Our range of Therapies
The practice of acupuncture is thought to have begun with the discovery that the stimulation of specific areas on the skin affects the functioning of certain organs in the body.
Over the last two thousand years it has developed into a system of medicine that restores and maintains health by the insertion of fine needles into specific points in the body. Through inserting the needles in specific points we can improve the flow of the Qi (the ‘Life Energy’), the circulation, the immune system, as well as the function of the organs in the body. As a result of these being improved, the person will restore his health and wellbeing.
Acupuncture was introduced to the western world in the early seventies, and since then its great potential in the treatment of disease has gained an ever-growing recognition in the west. Today, it is widely used with great success to treat a variety of conditions as diverse as musculoskeletal pain, anxiety and skin disease.
Practitioner(s): Ilan Shahor, Kerry-Anne O’Kane
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Although less well-known to the western world than Acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine is the most basic and important part of Chinese medicine.
With its tradition of over two thousand years, it has been proven to be a very effective and safe form of medicine. It is especially effective in treating skin conditions, gynaecological conditions, gastrointestinal problems and fatigue.
Like Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal medicine can be used by itself or in conjunction with Acupuncture: it treats the root of the problem as well as the symptoms. Therefore, unlike most western medications, herbs are rarely given for life and can always be discontinued after the problem has improved.
All the herbs used in this clinic are regulated and supervised. They are of the highest quality and do not contain any parts of wild endangered species. Herbal medicine can be used by itself or in conjunction with Acupuncture. Over the last few years, as a result of the great popularity of Chinese Herbs, some individuals and organisations have bought herbs in China and sold them on the high street in the U.K. with no regard to local rules and regulations. It has been discovered that in a few instances these products contained toxic materials and pharmaceuticals. These rare cases have been much publicised in the media giving Chinese Herbs an unjustly bad name.
It is very important to understand that this could not be further from the truth. Chinese herbal medicines – when practiced properly – are very safe and very healthy. The herbs used in our clinic are pure and of the highest quality. They all go through vigorous quality control tests prior to being dispensing to the patient. There is absolutely no risk of any toxins or pharmaceutical mixes with them.
Practitioner(s): Ilan Shahor
Chiropody helps to treat foot pain by the removal of callus or corns which have occurred on the foot due to pressure.
Chiropody can also help to treat thickened or fungal nails and in-growing nails. Other conditions that chiropody can help with are cracked heels, verrucas, and warts.
Practitioner(s): Charlotte Simpson
Chiropractic – McTimoney
A gentle technique, suitable for all ages from the very young to the old and frail.
Chiropractic specialises in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of bio-mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, particularly those involving the spine and their effects on the nervous system.
This is a system of gentle manipulation to treat disorders of the joints and muscles using only the practitioner’s hands. At each treatment, the skeletal system of the body is assessed and pelvic bones are realigned before the spine is adjusted on each vertebrae. Pain, discomfort and stiffness relating to the joints and bones; muscular aches and pains; sports injuries; migraine; whiplash and trapped nerves can all be treated with this gentle form of Chiropractic treatment.
In 1997, patient satisfaction of McTimoney Chiropractic was measured in a survey commissioned by the UK’s McTimoney Chiropractic Association:
- 89% of patients rated their satisfaction with the McTimoney treatment as either extremely or very satisfied
- 85% felt that it had been very beneficial in the management of their painful condition
- 93% of patients had recommended the McTimoney treatment to their friends and family
Chiropractic is an established method of adjusting the bones and joints of the body to improve the function of the skeleton, and through this process help the nervous system to work more efficiently. Chiropractic is used to treat and prevent back, neck, shoulder and other joint, nerve and muscle problems and aims to relieve pain and discomfort and increase mobility.
Chiropractic is used to treat both recent injuries and long-standing problems; however, early treatment presents the opportunity to stop minor symptoms worsening. Taking a preventative approach to health through regular maintenance care can optimise the nervous system and reduce the likelihood of injury during sport or other activities.
Practitioner(s):: Liam Mulvany & Rosalind Beresford
Natural Detox Solutions
Practitioner(s): Dr. Fiona Dann
Physiotherapy is a well established and respected profession, providing evidence based treatments of various conditions to aid healing, reduction of pain, increase range of movement, earlier return to work, sport and recreational function.
Physiotherapists combine their knowledge, mobilisation, rehabilitation and diagnostic skills, to ensure that the patient gets an accurate diagnosis, appropriate treatment, home exercise programme and prevention programme.
We will liaise with your GP and help arrange consultant specialist appointments, and investigations if required.
All our physiotherapists are chartered and HPC registered (formally known as State Registered). Also registered with several health insurance companies.
Below is a limited list of commonly treated conditions in the clinic.
- Sport Injuries
- Osteoarthritis
- Muscle Pain
- Muscle Tears
- Neck Pain
- Back Pain
- Whiplash
- Tennis Elbow
- Tendonitis
- Frozen Shoulder
- Post Op Hip / Knee Surgery
- Ankle Sprains
- Hamstring Strains
- Knee Sprains
- Lumbago
- Achilles Tendon
- Anterior Knee Pain
- ACL Construction
Please feel free to ring and discuss your condition and requirements.
Practitioner(s): Sri Kota
Sports Massage
Clinical sports massage is a vigorous, deep form of massage to the soft tissues of the body. It encourages good muscle condition, circulation and flexibility, as well as helping prevent and heal injuries of everyday life.
Very useful in treating pulled muscles, backache, joint stiffness, trapped nerves, sporting and non-sporting injuries.
Practitioner(s): Srikanth Kota & Samuel Huckerby